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on 2014-04-30 Michael_Morrison Said:

The Jimmy Jax Pinchak band is quickly making a name for himself within the Independent Music scene. His debut CD Making It Better (2014) has received rave reviews from fans, podcasts and blogs from all over the world. The CD continues to receive regular airplay from college and community radio stations throughout the country. Also a professional actor, Jimmy is known for his role as Peter Wiggin from the movie "Ender's Game." Independent stations around the United States, Europe and Australia and features some of LAs most celebrated names like Producer Jon Fowler and mixer Josh Mosser (Imagine Dragons - Radioactive). 

How would I describe the music of Jimmy Pinchak? Pinchak writes songs about the people, places and things that he loves, with a healthy combination of humor, skepticism, and honesty. He probably admits to what he doesn't understand, questions what he already knows, and asks his listeners to join him in viewing life from a different angle. Melding a unique yet accessible blend of heavy guitars, rocked out vibe and tasty blues groove-ridden bass lines against an infectious vocal front, the Pinchak sound is a testament to how he insists on shifting the face of alt-rock-blues. Enter the mind musing 8 track CD called Make it Better we begin to see a clear picture emerge of this lifes opus if you will skirts the lines of life from the causal observers point of view. The music of Pinchak is no doubt a very human blend of his spin on life through his music and possesses a very accessible signature sound. Indeed intelligent lyrics and catchy blues-rock melodies lines are the heart of his formula. Pinchak is no slouch on guitar either as he brings painfully simple thoughts and subject matter, heartfelt rhythms and melodies to the ears. Also present is an easy going element of the Midwest wisdom via this very relaxing 8 track line-up that's sure to provoke a positive reaction from every listener that gives them just a minute of their time. 

Though I must say His picture on the cover art is a bit depressing and sets a bad and negative marketing prescient. Lift your head up mate. 

Jimmy Pinchaks debut release is mostly uplifting album full of music that can be listened to virtually in any situation. The songs on the album are a collection of songs that encourage you to tap your foot, but also offer a mixture of sounds and musical landscape that will keep you guessing or wondering whats around the next corner  in a suspenseful way. Indeed Pinchak and his band cover a lot of emotional latitude here. From the amazing title track to rocking On the Run and Tell me to more intense Free Your Mind and the classic Tommy James cover song Draggin the Line virtually any music fan can find something aplenty in this mixture of songs. Make it Better offers a unique opportunity to sit back and see where the journey takes you via and interesting and entertaining sound that will remind you of Gavin DeGrew and James Morrison and even Blue Collar Rocker Bruce Springsteen to Matt Nathanson. Pinchak is clearly an artist worth checking out either live or in a studio setting as his rich sound and unique perspective on life can be appreciated by all fans of music  young and old. 

by Tammy Church edited by Markus Druery
Review comments: 
Rating: 9/10

© James Pinchak 2012